Гражданско наблюдение на парламентарни избори 2016 Първи тур

Сам избирам » 06.04.2013 CEC sends information to REC about changes in the composition and the names of party coalitions

06.04.2013 CEC sends information to REC about changes in the composition and the names of party coalitions

12.06.2013 г.

ACTION: CEC sends information to REC about changes in the composition and the names of party coalitions.

RISKS: According to the deadline will be formulated the final set up of the ballot. Late withdrawals from parties, which are part of coalitions, are unlikely, especially in such that stand a chance of being elected into Parliament, but should not be excluded by default.

PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT: CEC provides timely information. No issues have been identified in the communication between CEC and REC.